Sony has chosen to switch from an OLED to an LCD screen for the updated version of its PlayStation Vita handheld video games console. The PS Vita PCH-2000 has been available in Japan since January and in the UK from early February, where it sells for £180 (€205).

One key change made during the upgrade has been to replace the 5 inch (127mm) screen on the PCH-1000 model with a LCD display of the same size; a move which some technology pundits have claimed reduces the quality of the console's image.
Speaking in September 2013, Yoshio Matsumoto, Sony's Senior Vice President, explained the switch saying: 'Of course, since the Vita's most important feature is its bright screen; it would not make sense if the LCD deteriorated that quality. In that case we would have not adopted it.'Although it is said that OLED is generally more beautiful, the performance of LCD has been improved considerably. There is a certain strength to liquid crystal. It performs strongly in the sunlight. I also think that because it is used in a lot of productions, its durability (and availability) is very strong, as well as reliability.' He added that Sony would monitor consumer reaction to the LCD screens.
Significantly Sony has also elected to use a 1.6 inch (41mm) LCD screen on its newSmartWatch 2 as well; though Galaxy Gear, one of its major competitors, uses OLED.
By John Nelson, follow John on Google+
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